The Wisdom of the Tribe


Have you received 360 Survey results from subordinates and peers? If so, you know direct feedback can sting. At times, comments seem unfair or hurtful.  After all, we all like to believe the best about ourselves.

Yet, it is difficult to become a better leader without frank, honest feedback.

At Acton Academy, we believe in the wisdom of the Tribe.  We believe 360 Surveys are invaluable when properly gathered and delivered.  In fact, we think peer feedback provides a more complete picture of leadership growth in an Eagle than the observations of an adult Guide, who has fewer personal interactions and comes with his or her own blind spots.

Are Acton Academy 360 Surveys perfect?  Absolutely not.  Any tool, whether a screwdriver, a computer or a peer review must be used correctly.  we need to equip Eagles to provide more accurate ratings and more encouraging comments. And we must continue to offer leadership tools and dispute resolution processes to build and strengthen authentic relationships.

Despite occasional missteps, we are committed to honesty and transparency, even when it stings.  We see peer review as the first step towards better communication, more tolerance and stronger bonds, even in a Tribe with fiercely held individual beliefs.

We believe conflicts are a part of being human, and far better dealt with in the open.  We want each Eagle see himself or herself as others see them, not to encourage conformity, but to make measured choices about words and actions. And while 360 Survey results are confidential, we encourage Eagles to share peer feedback with parents,

Guides never answer questions. So don’t be surprised when you ask “How is my Eagle doing?” you are referred back to a 360 Survey.    You see, we trust the wisdom of the Tribe – especially when it is a closely knit tribe of young heroes who are destined to change the world.

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