Eagles are hard at work on speeches, budgets, itineraries and Google Earth tours – not to mention working on Core Skills. Still, with today’s game based adaptive learning programs, there’s always time for more learning.

Take, for example, the student generated computer science craze that is spreading like a virus at Acton Academy. Eagles are staying inside during their free time to teach themselves to write code.

We’ll soon begin to experiment with an after-school Computer Science Khan Club, to see how we can help build on this enthusiasm.
Our Eagle’s interest meshes well with an earth shattering announcement (at least for higher education) that Georgia Tech will be expanding its Masters in Computer Science program from 300 to 10,000 students over the next thirty six months, as it slashes tuition 80% (to less than $7,000 for the entire degree.)
If you are a parent, student or taxpayer, these opening shots in a higher education price war, almost surely to be joined soon by Stanford and MIT, are a reason for celebration. If you are a traditional university president, yesterday was a bad omen, of worse days to come.
Our Eagles are unlikely to care, since many will be taking these same courses not at Georgia Tech, MIT or Stanford, but while they are in Acton Academy high school, between breaks in their apprenticeships.
Please let me know if your Eagle would like to stay late next Wednesday. Snacks/ supervised free time 3:15-3:30, pick-up 4:30 sharp.