Our overarching question for the year is: When does a Hero submit to authority? Another way to view this question is as a search for Truth.
This session our sub-question is: How does a Tribe find True North?
Our goals for the first two weeks were simple:
- Work hard.
- Have fun.
- Like each other; and
- Commit.
Today we came to the final step: commitment. Signing the behavioral contracts that will govern the studio for the next year. Each of the contracts was written from scratch by the Eagles, setting up promises to each other; Rules of Engagement for discussions; an Honor Code; an agreement between Guides and Eagles and an agreement establishing our governing system.
We discussed the Founding Fathers pledging their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor; the existence of good and evil and the importance of heroes in the world. We acknowledged the importance of keeping your word.
Then each Eagle carefully read and signed each document. The process took over twenty minutes, but the room was silent, respecting the significance of the moment.
Then a celebration: working hard; having fun; liking each other; making commitments. Now we are a tribe. Yes, we’ll have challenges, but we’ll never again be merely individuals traveling alone.
What a remarkable group of young heroes.