Making Tribal Committments to True North

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Our overarching question for the year is:  When does a Hero submit to authority? Another way to view this question is as a search for Truth.

This session our sub-question is: How does a Tribe find True North?

Our goals for the first two weeks were simple:

  1. Work hard.
  2. Have fun.
  3. Like each other; and
  4. Commit.

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Today we came to the final step: commitment. Signing the behavioral contracts that will govern the studio for the next year.    Each of the contracts was written from scratch by the Eagles, setting up promises to each other; Rules of Engagement for discussions; an Honor Code; an agreement between Guides and Eagles and an agreement establishing our governing system.

We discussed the Founding Fathers pledging their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor; the existence of good and evil and the importance of heroes in the world.  We  acknowledged the importance of keeping your word.

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Then each Eagle carefully read and signed each document.  The process took over twenty minutes, but the room was silent, respecting the significance of the moment.

Then a celebration:  working hard; having fun; liking each other; making commitments.  Now we are a tribe.  Yes, we’ll have challenges, but we’ll never again be merely individuals traveling  alone.

What a remarkable group of young heroes.

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