Meaningful Rituals to Celebrate the Year

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Eagles worked hard this year, so it was important to close Session Six with a celebratory Spring Ranch Trip, including team challenges, meaningful reflections and commitments for next year and beyond.

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We started with spirited contests, including an obstacle course  a shooting competition and a kayak race, with a closely fought team battle until the very end.

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Next it was time for swimming and a nature tour of the ranch.

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As we prepared to settle in our Hill Country bunk beds beneath 100 year old oaks, it was time for s’more’s  and a fireside ceremony, where each Eagle chose which roles in life to discard, embrace and hold as priceless.

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The next morning we assembled high on a hilltop to welcome the sunrise, celebrating how far we had come together; bidding”goodbye” to a few Eagles who were heading to Launchpad or beyond, and already anticipating the upcoming year.


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