Monthly Archives: October 2019

The MS Build-a-Tribe and Becoming a World-Class Conversationalist Exhibition

Imagine walking into a social event.  You see an ocean of people, each with their own story, and an opportunity to learn, to laugh, and maybe…just maybe, to love through conversation.

Are your palms sweating, just reading about the challenge of talking with a stranger?

Then you must not have attended the MS Build-a-Tribe and Becoming a World-Class Conversationalist Exhibition.

All session long, while creating Hero Boards and crafting the covenants that will bond the studio, MSers practiced the art of conversation, even going as far as to strike up conversations with random strangers in a park.

At the exhibition, MS Heroes showed off their new-found skills in live interviews with Acton Founder Laura Sandefer and award-winning filmmaker John Papola; unveiled their Hero Boards and read the best in-studio Personal Hero Stories.

Get caught with nothing to say?  Not an Acton MS Eagle, because they have places to go and conversational skills to make someone else feel like a hero too.

The Launchpad Build a Tribe & Free Agent Quest

Our Launchpad is a tightly committed group of high school-aged heroes, dedicated to finding a passion, forging genuine relationships, mastering core skills like reading, writing and math, and delivering world-class projects – all to find a calling that will change the world.

Strong knit cultures and world-changing adventures do not come easily.  A good reason for tackling the Build a Tribe & Free Agent Quest to boldly face the threshold into adulthood and committing to finding an extraordinary first job where they could:

  • Use a “superpower” to earn enough money to survive independently of parents;
  • Hone a deliberate practice that attracts fascinating opportunities; and
  • Use the positive aspects of the REAL YOU to contribute to a culture.

During the exhibition, Launchpadders also demonstrated Heroic Interviewing skills with a real employer, showed videos of their Next Great Adventure (NGA) promises, as well as completing a badge and NGA plan for the year.


Finally, through exploring each person’s individual “Why?” and creating a Culture Deck, our young heroes wrote a powerful LP Mission Statement with a promise to build a culture Google or SpaceX would envy.