Asking the customers

Customer feedback matters a lot at Acton Academy.  So we continually question our Eagles about what matters to them.

This week Ms. Laura spent time in the Yurt asking what were the most important parts of AAA to preserve for the future.  Here, unedited, are the Eagle’s responses:

  1.  Keep discussion time
  2. Keep the Socratic method
  3. Keep the students in charge of writing the guidelines
  4. Guidelines – not rules
  5. Have more interviews with heroes – people sharing their stories to us
  6. Keep letting students work at their own pace
  7. Keep freedom alive
  8. Create a separate space for town meetings – like a council room
  9. Have proof that we can do things in the real world – we can contribute and think and make good decisions
  10. Attract more students – grow! Advertise with sweatshirts and lawn signs J
  11. Get more space
  12. Have more outside time
  13. Don’t spend too much money
  14. Keep the morning launches with great video clips
  15. And of course, one Eagle really wants sports teams and a cafeteria!

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