Back at the Ranch

We packed as much learning and fun into the Middle School Ranch trip as is humanly possible.

We started with a series of team based competitions.

ranch obstacle

First, a spirited obstacle Navy Seal course contest that included trivia clues and “spelling a sentence” challenges.

Next to the paintball course for some target competition, including a few parent approved human targets.


Finally, building a raft and sailing across the lake and back to determine which team would have first choice of a bed and an extra helping of smores.


After so much activity, mounds of BBQ quickly disappeared.  Just after sundown, we gathered around the fireside for a ceremony where each Eagle burned a picture of “how I want others to see me,” instead choosing to pursue a heroic quality like curiosity,  courage, kindness or perseverance.

A spirited game of flashlight tag and capture the flag followed, then The Truman Show movie — and finally  – bed (or at least, “lights out.”)


6:00 AM came early, as our first group began a long hike towards Lone Mountain to watch the sunrise together.  Why do Heroes climb mountains?   So we can see farther.

Each Eagle left a small stone or symbol on the mountain, as a solemn commitment to the heroic quality he or she had chosen the night before.

Our covenants are signed and sealed. The tribe is formed.  Let the learning continue!

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