Our Eagles are self-directed, lifelong learners who want to change the world. But learning to use freedom wisely takes time and practice. So how can an Eagle prove she is ready to advance?
Our solution: providing a series of well-defined steps, called Freedom Levels, that mark an Eagle’s progress all the way from “joining the tribe” to “launching into the real world.” As soon as you prove you can handle more freedom and responsibility, you receive it.
Our Acton Academy Freedom Levels replace the arbitrary grades and grade levels of a traditional school. After all, why should a young hero be held back by a calendar?
Freedom Levels measure progress in three ways:
- Weekly Points measure how many hours of intense work an Eagle invests each week, through Reading, Writing. Math, Civilization and Quests. Every hour of intense work equals approximately 20 points;
- 360 Peer Review Scores and comments provide a holistic view of character development and leadership skills on a 1 to 5 scale;
- Badges showcase accomplishments, showing apprenticeship employers, college admissions officers and investors the excellent work an Eagle can deliver.
Work hard; show evidence of a strong character and deliver excellent work — and you gain more freedom and responsibility. It’s that simple.
Below is a summary of the Freedom Levels for Middle School and Launchpad (Elementary Eagles have their own set of Freedom Levels.)
Freedom Levels also mark when an Eagle proves she is ready to advance to a new studio, which can happen at the beginning of any session.
Yes, some of us may have difficulty giving up grades, grade levels and annual promotions. But institutional familiarity seems a small price to pay for allowing Eagles the freedom to develop skills, habits and character at their own pace, until they are ready to soar.