How do we provide raw material for the Eagles’ Rube Goldberg machines?
First, we put out a call to all Eagle families, asking parents to clear their closets of unused toys and gadgets, and send them to campus..
Next we hold a Hunger Games Cornucopia – a competitive contest to see who can plan, search and secure the most important raw materials.
Here’s how it works:
- Eagles rank each Scientific Creator research pitch.
- The five highest ranked Eagles get the first two minutes at the Cornucopia, and can select whatever materials they need. The only rule: You must use anything you take. Any item bought from the Cornucopia afterwards will cost an Eagle Buck.
- Repeat Step 2 until every Eagle has had a chance to graze at the Cornucopia.
Friendly competition. Dealing with scarce resources. Empty closets. Complex Rube Goldberg machines.
Everyone wins.