The Cornucopia

How do we provide raw material for the Eagles’ Rube Goldberg machines?

First, we put out a call to all Eagle families, asking parents to clear their closets of unused toys and gadgets, and send them to campus..

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Next we hold a Hunger Games Cornucopia – a competitive contest to see who can plan, search and secure the most important raw materials.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Eagles rank each Scientific Creator research pitch.
  2. The five highest ranked Eagles get the first two minutes at the Cornucopia, and can select whatever materials they need. The only rule:  You must use anything you take.  Any item bought from the Cornucopia afterwards will cost an Eagle Buck.
  3. Repeat Step 2 until every Eagle has had a chance to graze at the Cornucopia.

Friendly competition. Dealing with scarce resources. Empty closets.  Complex Rube Goldberg machines.

Everyone wins.


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