An Explosion of Entrepreneurship

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The Eighth Annual Acton Children’s Business Fair was buzzing with commerce Saturday as two hundred entrepreneurs from dozens of schools peddled their wares to over fourteen hundred customers.

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This talented Acton Academy Middle School artist earned $1,068 in profits — yes profits –– and still has half of her inventory to sell.   That’s fortunate, because at the fair she received retail orders from two local stores and an invitation to collaborate with a well known blogger who has over 750,000 followers.

Our artist sparked a growing army of devoted customers, including an autograph seeker who said: “You’re going to be famous one day”  and a photo request from a student who wanted to “show his business school professors what a real business looks like.”

There are even bigger plans underway, including “building a website that sells by telling a great story” as part of this session’s Acton Academy Quest.

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Our artist’s tale echoes nine year old Mikaila Ulmer’s story.  Five years ago Mikaila launched her Bee Sweet Lemonade at the Children’s Business Fair and now has a Lemonade Empire that sells through  Whole Foods stores across the Southwest.

Plans to launch Children’s Business Fairs in Houston, San Antonio, Dallas, Fort Worth, Fort Lauderdale and Grand Rapids, Michigan are brewing.

Worried about the economy?  Then let’s inspire and equip these young entrepreneurs and watch your worries be swept away.



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