Extracting DNA

bio 1

Week Five of the Biology Quest has been focused on Humans, specifically human evolution and DNA.

The goal of Friday’s exhibition was the extraction of DNA —  far from a simple experiment.

Eagles were given a choice of:

  • Three different organic materials: meat, strawberries and green peas;
  • Three different detergents to separate lipids and proteins from DNA; and
  • Several choices of experimental equipment and technique.bio pic 2 bio pic 3 bio pic 4 bio pic 5 bio pic 6

Eagles had to decide which combination of material, detergent and process yielded the best samples of DNA.  This required self organizing within and between teams to make sure all the variations were covered, ensuring results would be comparable in the end, and even to debating and defining what “best” DNA sample meant.

Just like at Bell Labs and the NIH, there were squabbles between scientists; competing egos and agendas; and interpersonal conflicts that had to be resolved before science could be advanced.

Not just another textbook experiment, but lessons about how science works (and doesn’t work) in the real world.

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