Spotted: an Entire Colony of Bigfoots!

Reported in today’s Edsurge is the sighting of Bigfoot – defined as “spotting kids learning at their own pace.”

According to the article, students mastering skills at their own pace is so rare that few educators can claim to have “seen it in the wild.”

Seriously?  Lots of what we do at Acton Academy is hard.  But convincing Eagles to soar at their own pace isn’t one of them.

So for those of you who like to chase legendary creatures, here’s an entire colony of Bigfoots.

photo (465)

Perhaps next we’ll go in search of the Loch Ness Monster – Eagles guiding Eagles without an adult in the room.

PS.  If we went looking for educational Unicorns next, what would these beasts represent?  Extra credit for the best submission. (Whoops, I forgot that Guides don’t award credits.  Must be the influence of a misspent educational youth.)


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