Websites that Sell Using Stories


Our genre this year is Storytelling.  Our Overarching Question:  When doe a Hero submit to authority?

During Session Three, we focused on creating  websites that sell using stories, a critical 21st Century skill for any entrepreneur, artist or free agent that wants to sell a product or offer a service.   We also explored the customer as a source of authority for a business, and how an entrepreneur, artist or free agent can decide which customers to serve and which customers to reject.

Eagles practiced blogging, writing drip emails and choosing the powerful words and images to help move a prospective customer through the five steps of a Sales Funnel:

  1. Increasing awareness and desire
  2. Offering a benefit
  3. Qualifying
  4. Answering objections; and
  5. Closing.

Eagles also learned to storyboard as a way of rapid prototyping and rated several free website creation programs, as each team went through multiple rounds of critique preparing to:

  • Market a real product or service for a real business; or
  • Pitch a “must have” item for the studio; or
  • Sell something during Socrates’ time (which fits into this session’s Civilization focus.)

In the end, only those websites that were approved by each team made it to the final round.  Can you predict which of the websites below won?

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