“Where’s the line?”


Our Session Six MS Embracing Life and Facing Death Quest asks: “Is death the final authority in a Hero’s life?”

As someone who recently faced the deaths of a father-figure, a sister and a dear friend, it’s a minefield of uncomfortable thoughts, emotions and questions; hidden lines seldom noted in a world where many die alone, in an empty room full of buzzing machines:

  • Social taboos
  • Spiritual and existential questions
  • Highly personal questions about the transfer of intergenerational wealth.
  • Many, many topics seldom broached in polite company.

This morning, our MS launch showed a picture of a 13-year-old, tragically killed this week in a car wreck. The questions: What if this had been you? What three words would you want on your headstone, in what order? Who would read your eulogy and what would you want it to say?  Did we cross the line by making death so personal?

Next week, Eagles will haggle over funeral prices, taking advantage of economic disruptions so they aren’t taken advantage of by unscrupulous operators.  Will we cross the line by mixing money and grief?

A week later, Eagles will role play whether or not to withdraw life-support from a dying parent, with real life intra-family battles over childhood wounds and future wealth transfer.  Will we cross the line by raising questions that could go unasked for another decade?

Late in the Quest, Eagles will visit a hospice, and with permission, discuss life and death with someone who knows his or her time on this earth is nearing an end.  Will we cross the line by asking too much emotional maturity from MS Eagles? 

Eagles and parents may opt out of any topic or challenge; we trust them to draw the right lines for their families.  But important questions, once raised, are seldom forgotten.  That’s why we want heroes intent on fully embracing life to start asking them as soon as possible.

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