Hard work. Last minute scurrying. Lights. Adrenaline. Showtime. Celebration.
Then, the morning after. An energy hangover.
Some Eagles are distracted. Others listless. A few, uncharacteristically sleep in.
Others build protective walls in order to recharge, an innovative approach to self preservation.
All of this is a natural part of the ebb and flow of human creativity. Rest. A phenomenon to be explored; a ritual to be incorporated next year..
Some schools consider the week before Christmas a “dead week.” We’d never be that disrespectful towards time, but building in a purposeful lull to recharge does make sense; a time to just “be” for a few hours; a time for mindfulness; a time for rest.
Most of the afternoon we worked on Portfolios, synthesizing the work of three months into a celebratory narrative. Tomorrow we finish these portfolios, and begin to look towards the adventures of next semester.