A Passionate Case of Profiling

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We believe strongly in following your passion at Acton Academy.

One Launchpad Eagle is on a personal quest, digging deeply into the psychology of lying.

This week, she wrote in an email:   “I just had the most amazing 30 minute Skype with Joe Navarro, a former FBI agent who is the author of several books on body language and psychology and my current Science Hero…. It was incredible: he could tell exactly how I was feeling based on simple things like my lips and hand gestures. I’m definitely more motivated to work in science after speaking with him.”

Keep in mind that this isn’t an official Launchpad Quest – at least not yet.  This Eagle also is simultaneously working on this personal quest,  creating a separate Biology Quest and working in an apprenticeship.

She adds: “I’m extremely grateful that I have the opportunity to attend a school that encourages us to look for heroes — and I’m happy to say I just found one.”

Textbooks or heroes. Which one do you think encourages more passion for putting science into action?


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